HivPort web site - what's new?

You may have noticed a new website for HivPort. If you haven't, then you've never seen the old one. Good for you! For those interested: this page is a summary of a summary of our efforts to replace our site. You can read more on the Dutch pages.

Our development partner

fun2designlogoThe website has been developed by the small web-development company Fun2DeSign. Owner Dirk Smit has also sponsored us by doing a quite a bit more than we asked for. We thank him for his knowledge, his efforts and the quality of his work!


Ease of use, scalability ('responsive design') and consistency. Access to the main modules has vastly improved and so has the overall user interface.

Hiv Guide - easier to use and search, more info available

HivGidsPrevSquare25See for yourself. The Hiv Guide has really become easy to use for everbody. Check HIV GUIDE.




Merge with the Rotterdam Hiv+Borrel / Hiv Cafe

Like so many other parts of the site, we have concentrated on ease of use. This is also why we embedded the info that was formerly hosted on a separate site for "".


Another 100 improvements ...

Direct access to news and our projects, access to contact page, an easy-to-use DONATE button (yes, we need money) and more intuitive integration with social media. On top of that; more photography, a more lively interface and consitency that complies with many other websites globally.

Our biggest effor is probably around TRANSLATION. Not from a technical point of view, but in terms of content management. We know very well that non-Dutch speaking people are not always English speaking people. Nevertheless, we have used English as the proverbial "lingua franca". We hope you can appreciate our efforts! We cannot translate everything, but we are open to suggestions and improvements. Contact us via the contact page (see bottom of screen).



HivPort Foundation stands with people with hiv in the Rotterdam agglomeration.

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