AHF checkpoint closes October 2023 :-(

PLEASE NOTE: the AHF checkpoint for hiv has closed by mid October 2023

Rotterdam, 20 oktober 2023: We are very sorry to mention this, but for the time being, the AHF chckpoint activities in the Netherlands have closed . As HivPort foundation, we aim to find an alternative, but that will not likely be this month. For more info about the closing, please check AHF at https://gratishivtest.nl/nl/ . Please check this page in the near future for other options in the Rotterdam area.



The Rotterdam hiv checkpoint, run by AHF in the Humanitas building, is open to every person, independent of age, sex or or sexual behavior. Since 2023 easily located in the very center of Rotterdam at the Westblaak. 

Want to get tested? This is how and where:

  • Make sure you make an appoiintment first. Opening hours may differ, since the move from the old building has not yet finished completely until February 2023.
  • When you have your appointment, visit the Humanitas building
  • At the reception desk say: "I am here for the Humanitas checkpoint"
  • The receptionist will point you to the correct floor and possibly an extra receptionist. Then take a seat - they will pick you up from the waiting room
  • Other options  --> AHF site: gratisHIVtest.nl.


How it works

  • The hiv test is free
  • The counselor asks you a few anonymous questions, but not your name, not your address, not your date of birth
  • The test is painless and leaves no visible marks on your finger.
  • After about 1 minute you know if you have hiv-antibodies or not.
  • If there is a possible result, the tester/counselor will take make additional time availabe to have a longer conversation with you. He/she will explain options about subsequent tests and about the options of treatment. To that point, the checkpoint also uses the availablitly of the staff working at the Humanitas Hiv Support Team.



The checkpointed opened in 2018 as a collaboration between HivPort, Humanitas Rotterdam and AHF (Aids Healthcare Foundation). It has proven to be an important addition to the local governmental test location.


Click/tap the illustration below to start the WhatsApp chat with the checkpoint staff. Otherwise, app to +31628964757 or check gratisHIVtest.nl


ADDRESS: Humanitas, Westblaak 96 (the Tornico Building), Rotterdam (click for Google Maps)


HivPort Foundation stands with people with hiv in the Rotterdam agglomeration.

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