HivPort stands with people living with hiv in Rotterdam
"Towards a better life with hiv"
HivPort Foundation, officially "Stichting Hiv Portaal Rotterdam", tries to achieve its goals through the following activities and projects:
- Support meetings ans contacts between people with hiv, through both electronic means and real life events
- We provide with / guide to factual information for people with hiv to support their self-confidence and arm them against prejudices, discrimination and exclusion
- Give information and education to the general public, to assist in prevention, encourage more hiv-tests
- Publish newsletters and guides
- Do everything else to reduce exclusion of people with hiv and at the same time reduce the number of new hiv infections
HivPort does not strive to make profit. Any positive results will always contribute to current and new projects.
Please check our current PROJECTS.
We like to team up with several organizations in our area, each because of their specific expertise. From the famous ErasmusMC academic hospital to social workers of all kinds. Our collaboration aims to enforce each other. A great example is our annual "week of" World Aids Day around tht 1st of December. A Facebook page is dedicated to our collaborative project called HIV010:
HivPort Foundation, offiicially registere at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce as "Stichting Hiv Portaal Rotterdam", shortened "Stichting HivPort", has the following registrations:
- RSIN: 857935008
- Chamber of Commerce: 69600716
- IBAN for donations: NL76 INGB 0008 0288 94
- The Dutch Tax Office has exempted HivPort of any VAT obligations
- To become approved for the Dutch fiscal status called "ANBI", all necessary documents can be found via the link on our Dutch about page